No more double registration: National Insurance, the Employment Service and the national digital platform introduce the "unified digital form", enabling people to claim unemployment benefits and register with the Employment Service on a single form

Following a joint effort by the National Insurance and the Employment Service, and the development of a national digital platform - it is now possible to submit a single online application form, which will automatically communicate documents and information simultaneously to each of the organizations concerned.

The unified form considerably reduces bureaucracy for citizens, given that in the past it was necessary to file separate claims and submit documents redundantly. The unified application can be submitted via the government's private account (MyGov) as well as on the National Insurance website.

When a citizen leaves the workforce and claims his or her right to unemployment benefit, the law obliges him or her to contact two bodies: the National Insurance and the Employment Service. The National Insurance is responsible for dealing with the issue of unemployment benefits, which act as an economic safety net for the unemployed until they return to the job market during their entitlement period. At the same time, the Employment Service is responsible for assisting the unemployed person in his or her efforts to return to work, by providing a job offer suited to his or her skills and profession, integrating him or her into a suitable work program, and providing workshops, courses and vocational training, as well as additional tools to aid job placement. Until now, they have had to deal with double bureaucracy from two different organizations.

In order to relieve jobseekers and reduce the bureaucracy involved, and thereby increase the efficiency of the procedure, jobseekers will be able to complete the required procedure with the National Insurance and Employment Service using a single form and a simple online process, via the government's private account on the GOV.IL website. After completing this unified form, the required information will immediately be sent to the National Insurance and the Employment Service, and the date of submission will be taken as the date of registration with the Employment Service, provided that the person goes in person to an Employment Bureau within 15 days of submitting the online form. Similarly, the date of submission will also be used as the date on which entitlement to unemployment benefit from the National Insurance scheme begins.

This unified form will make life much easier for jobseekers, avoiding the redundant procedures included in the previous registration format. The unified form can be easily found on the government's private account, and the identification system enables any citizen to register, even those without a smartphone.
Given the success of this collaboration, the national digital platform has begun to classify other services common to both organizations, with the aim of extending and improving the services offered to citizens.

The new link is available on the GOV website.

Acting Director General of National Insurance, Yarona Chalom: "The collaboration in question is important in order to relieve insured people of the burden of having to apply to several organizations at the same time. A person who loses his or her job must have the means to obtain social assistance from the National Insurance and, at the same time, be able to look for a new job easily. The unified form optimizes the procedure and significantly reduces the amount of bureaucracy required for the citizen, and this represents a further announcement promoted in favor of service efficiency, improved procedures and the take-up of rights in an easy, digital and beneficial way."

Director General of the Employment Service, Rami Graor: "Over the last few years, we have been making progress in improving the services we offer to make things easier for our customers, both in our bureaus and digitally. This is a decisive announcement that will put an end to confusion and awkwardness; no more double registration, no more obstacles to taking-up rights. All jobseekers will be able to realize their right to a safety net that will enable them to make the best possible return to the job market. The world is moving forward, and we too, in a constantly evolving digital world, are obliged to remove bureaucratic obstacles and relieve our customers. The unified form will not only lighten the registration procedure, but will also enable jobseekers to devote all their time and effort to getting back to work, and not to bureaucracy."

Director General of the National Digital Platform, Chira LevAmi: "The National Digital Platform is always working to shorten bureaucratic procedures and bring relief to citizens by letting them achieve procedures simply and effortlessly. The unified digital form is a lifeline for people from all communities and socio-economic status. The employment crisis is hard enough for citizens to deal with, the state must do all it can to bring relief."