Woman traveling abroad

A woman who went abroad will continue to receive maintenance payments during the time that she is abroad, on condition that she went abroad 3 times at the most in the course of the same year (from January 1st until December 31st of the same year), and that the number of days of her stay abroad during that year are not more than 72 days.

  • A trip abroad due to the death of an immediate family member (a spouse, parent, child or sibling) for a maximum of 3 weeks is not included in the calculation of the time spent abroad during that calendar year (from January 1 to December 31 of the same year).
  • Departure through a land border crossing (Taba crossing, Yarden bridges) for short periods of time are not included in the calculation of the time spent abroad during that calendar year (from January 1 to December 31 of the same year). 
  • A woman who travels abroad to obtain medical treatment that is not available in Israel, or who accompanies a sick family member for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment and has received authorization for the trip from the Ministry of Health, will continue to receive the maintenance payment for the period that she stays abroad, but no longer than 6 months.
  • A travel on behalf of the employer – is examined by the claims officer. One must provide authorizations from the employer regarding the trip abroad on his behalf and the reimbursement of her travel expenses.