There is a wide range of mobility benefits, each with different conditions of entitlement.
Most of the benefits are provided to a person owning, in possession of or intending to purchase a car (benefits are granted after the car's acquisition), and provided that he meets the following conditions:
A Medical Committee of the Ministry of Health determined a 40% degree of mobility disability for him, and he has a valid driving license.
A Medical Committee of the Ministry of Health determined a 60% degree of mobility disability for him, and he does not have a valid driving license, but has an authorized driverA person (either relative or caregiver) who has a valid driving license, who has been authorized by the National Insurance Institute to drive the vehicle belonging to the person with mobility limitation ,and who lives with the person with mobility limitation in the same building or in a nearby building which is up to 1500 meters from his home, or at a longer distance if these are the two closest buildings in the settlement. who drives for him.
Who is considered authorized driver?
- A close relative: spouse, son/daughter and their spouses, father, mother, including adopting and step parent, brother, sister, nephew or niece, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandfather or grandmother, grandson or , who holds a valid driver license.
- Living with the person with limited mobility permanently and in the same building or when they live in two buildings separated by radius of 1,500 meters at most.
- He or she received an authorization by the National Insurance Institute (NII) to serve as "authorized driver".
Someone who is not a close relative of the person with limited mobility, and meets all conditions below:
- He/she takes care of the mobility disabled most hours of the day and holds a valid driver license.
- He/she lives permanently with the mobility disabled in the same building or they live in two buildings separated by a radius of 1500 meters at most.
- He/she minds the mobility disabled's needs, is able and commits to take care of him on a permanent basis for his daily needs.
- He/she has received authorization by the NII to serve as an "authorized driver".
Those who do not have a car in their possession, may be entitled to a mobility allowance to a person without a vehicle, meant to cover the costs of their journeys by public transportation, taxis etc., and as long as they meet the conditions of entitlement.
Please note! Car prices for purposes of determining loans and installments are based on the "Levi Itzchak" price list.