
The National Insurance Institute provides various benefits to people with lower body impairments that limit their mobility, with the aim of helping them to integrate into the community and develop an independent life. Although most benefits are granted to car owners, some benefits are also granted to those who do not own a car.

The benefits are paid for by state funds under a Mobility Agreement signed between the Ministry of Finance and the National Insurance Institute.

To a list of mobility benefits


Mobility disability is determined by the Medical Committees of the Health Ministry. Therefore, before submitting a claim for mobility benefits to the National Insurance Institute, you must first submit an application for examination by Medical Committees of the Health Ministry.

These committees determine whether or not there is a leg impairment in accordance with a list of defined impairments (in Hebrew), whether there is need and use of a wheelchair and whether the impairment is a temporary or a permanent one.

What should I do to obtain mobility benefits?

  • Conditions of entitlement and more information למצוא כאן
  • The Medical Committee of Health Ministry rules of mobility disability.
    Hence, you have to submit an examination request to the Regional Health Office nearest your place of residence
  • The National Insurancereceives the medical protocol from Health Ministryand recognizes it as a claim for mobility benefits - for those with qulifying percentages
  •  If necessary, you will receive a message asking you to complete the  documents. You can follow the status of your claim on the Personal Service site.
  • A notification of the ruling will appear in the Personal Service site
  • Eligibility for standing loan is determined according to the disability percentage you have been granted.
    More information can be found here.
  • The monthly allowance is paid on the 28th of the month.
    Allowance payment is conditional upon standing loan realization.
  • To learn more about other benefits such as lifting device, car equipment and more, click here.
  • In case of change in the status of your driving license or that of your authorized driver and/or in your health situation – you have to inform us via the website.