Registration as common law couple with the National Insurance

Couples not registered as married with the Ministry of the Interior may be recognized as such by us.

By common law couple we mean the spouses who share a common household for the sake of a family life and intimate relationship, binding their destiny and the living together, and regardless of any personal , comfort or economic viability needs.

Registration with the National Insurance as common law couple is possible for same-sex partners, and implies the same rights and obligations under the National Insurance as that of a married couple.

Please note that the spouses, recognized as common law couple by the National Insurance or as married by the Ministry of the Interior, may send a declaration of same-sex partners to the insurance and collection department of the branch nearest to their place of residence or via the website, in order to verify the eligibility of one of them for exemption from national and health insurance contributions for a housewife.

How to register?

To be recognized by the National Insurance as common law couple, it is necessary to submit a questionnaire for common-law couple with supporting documents to the Insurance and Collection Department of the branch nearest your place of residence or to send these documents through the website.