Coordination Unit

With decision of the Israeli government on the establishment of a national police unit to combat economic crime (Hial"ach), the need arose for the establishment of a coordination unit at the National Insurance (NII) to work with the police and the various law-enforcement officials in the country.

The aim of the Coordination Unit is to coordinate all cases investigated by NII investigators in which evidence of an alleged criminal offense of fraud against the NII has been found, and to transfer these cases to the nationwide Economic Crime Unit, where indictments are prepared and filed.

In the event that an insured person is convicted in a plea bargain, in addition to returning the money to the NII, he is fined by the court with the fine to be paid to the State and given both a period of probation and a criminal conviction.

The Coordination Unit provides the Economic Unit of the Police Force any and all assistance necessary to locate fraud cases against the National Insurance Institute, while drawing lessons and reaching conclusions. With the expansion of NII activities in  detecting and investigating cases for which there is a suspicion of a criminal act, issues relating to insurance and collection of insurance contributions will also be treated, such as: employers who do not report on or do not pay contributions for their employees, setting up of fictitious companies and submitting false reports and statements.