New on the website! ChatBot on rights related to the Iron Swords war

תאריך פרסום: 31.01.2024

As part of our efforts to make our services more accessible, we have created for you a special Chatbot on all the rights to which you are entitled during the Iron Swords war.

We are aware of the complexity of the situation, of the urgent legislative changes and the need to spread information - these last weeks, in addition to our new war-dedicated website, we have developed a special Chatbot on the war which includes information on all entitlements to all population groups: wounded people, bereaved families, families of hostages, evacuees, employers, volunteers, reservists, victims of the Nova and Psyduck festivals, and more.

Furthermore, in the Chat you will be able to receive information on various topics, such as payment of grants, work stoppage, reserve service, volunteering, advantages in other organizations, collection of FAQs, and more.

The Chatbot has a special avatar called "Billie" (against the initials of the Bituach Leumi), who will answer any of your questions regarding the take up of rights and their realization during the war.