Payment of reserve service benefit for December

תאריך פרסום: 09.01.2024

​Dear reservists and employers,

To relieve you during that period, we do our best to pay you the reserve service benefit automatically.

Here are details about the December benefit payment:

Payment to reservists

  • Those who have received the benefit in the month of November automatically on their bank account - will receive the December benefit automatically on 8.1.24, without having to submit any claim.
  • Those who have not yet received the benefit for the month of November as well as those who started service in December - we do our best to pay you the benefit automatically. If you did not receive the benefit by 10.1.24, you need to submit a personal claim on the website.

Payment to employers with up to 10 employees in reserve service

These employers, who are entitled to submit a claim through the digital system we have developed for them, will receive the December benefit in the following manner:

  • Workers for whom a claim has been filed in November using the digital system - the benefit will be paid automatically on 8.1.24, without having to submit any claim.
  • Workers for whom no claim has been filed - you need to complete a claim on the online system and input the workers details, and make sure before submitting the claim that you have issued for them a monthly wage statement (monthly Form 100) of at least one of the three months preceding the month of service.
    For further information about the system, click here. For inquiries you can call the employers call center: 02-5393722.