The National Insurance Institute will grant NIS 60 million to associations and companies providing emotional responses to those directly or indirectly affected by the security events

The funding will be allocated to several projects simultaneously, each one of them receiving between half a million and 3 million NIS and will be given to associations providing a complementary and therapeutic solution for the victims of the war.

The National Insurance Institute, in parallel with the daily assistance both economically and mentally to the wounded, to the bereaved families and to the families of hostages - issued a call for proposals to non-profit organizations and companies for the public benefit within the framework of the "National Insurance Funds" in order to provide emotional responses and immediate treatments and/or resources to implement these responses.

This call for proposals in the National Insurance framework, can also fund support and guidance programs within care teams at this time.

The requirements for receiving a budget on behalf of the National Insurance Institute seek to promote and finance programs aiming to provide emotional and therapeutic, individual or collective responses to populations exposed directly or indirectly to the security events, provided they are not already being treated within the framework of an existing anxiety procedure or through centers already funded by the state, but are instead social initiatives.

Who will receive the assistance?

These plans include, in terms of the National Insurance Institute, family members injured, the families of hostages as well as teams of security forces and emergency forces such as: Zaka, Mada rehabilitation teams and more.

In addition, funding on behalf of the National Insurance Institute can also include providing resources to nonprofit organizations and public benefit companies. These resources would be used to operate enrichment activities during leisure hours and for educational purposes such as: sports equipment, games, knowledge kits, laptops, etc. In addition, the call for proposals may also provide funding for equipment used for emotional and therapeutic solutions such as: therapeutic cards, disposable equipment, aid for accessibility in buildings where the activities are carried out, and more.

The call for proposals will be published and applications can be submitted to the National Insurance Funds Division by 31/10/23.

Scope of assistance:

The assistance that the National Insurance Institute will provide to these projects will amount to between half a million and 3 million NIS for by organization and in total – NIS 60 million for all the social projects that will be funded.

The National Insurance Institute clearly emphasizes that it will fund programs that do not already receive ongoing funding, but newly established social projects intended to give care to populations affected by the security situation.

The quality indicators that will be examined are, inter alia, the program's need and the added value, the target population and the scope of activity, the organization's ability to support the plan and feasibility and applicability.

As mentioned above, the applications will be received by the Funds Division of the National Insurance Institute, by 31/10/23, and the answers are expected to be given within two weeks only.

  • Minister of Labor, Yoav Ben Tzur: "It was clear to me from the first moment that signing the proposal brought to me for financing projects and psychological assistance for populations affected by the war situation is a necessary and beautiful thing that could not come soon enough. The civil society is today at the height of its glory and it is right to give them financial assistance so that they can continue to provide a financial solution in places where the government projects are missing. The ability to jointly manage government aid and at the same time help social initiatives of the public and finance them is a necessary combination, certainly at this time."
  • Acting Director General of the National Insurance Institute, Yarona Shalom: "The National Insurance Institute has a great mission in treating and assisting, both mentally and financially, the wounded, bereaved families and families of hostages. At the same time, it is a right that we have the ability, within the framework of the Funds of the National Insurance, to strengthen civil society and to fund social projects, equipment and mental assistance to caregivers such as: Zaka, Mada, etc. We are in difficult and challenging times and, now, strengthening social initiatives, funding them in parallel with the activities of the National Insurance Institute employees and reaching the wounded and families personally will complete, in a certain way, the overall envelope in providing solutions to the state of war we are in."

To the call for proposals (in Hebrew), click here