Adoption grant

​An adoption grant is paid to adoptive parents as a participation in first expenses related to the reception of the child in the family.
Parents who have adopted a child aged up to 10 years old, are entitled to an adoption grant, which is equivalent to the birth grant paid to the new mother.
You will be entitled to a grant if at least one of the parents is a Israeli resident.

Grant amount

The amount of the grant is determined according to number of children in the family:
  • If it is the first child in a family you will receive a grant of NIS 1,986 .
  • If it is the second child in a family you will receive a grant of NIS 894 .
  • If it is the third child in a family you will receive a grant of NIS 596 .
In case you have adopted more than one child under 10 years old at the same adoption:
  • For the adoption of two children you will receive a grant of NIS 9,930 .
  • For the adoption of three children you will receive a grant of NIS 14,895 .

How to receive the grant?

In order to obtain the adoption grant one must submit a claim for birth and hospitalization grant. To the claim must be attached an authorization from the welfare officer regarding the notification of the adoption. This authorization shall mention the month and year of birth of the child. In case of adoption abroad, a notarized translation of abroad adoption documentation must be provided.

Grant amount as of Jan 01, 2024