To whom is the benefit paid?

The benefit is paid to the person who submitted the request on the claim form. In some cases, however, the NII may appoint a person to receive the benefit on behalf of the person entitled.
In addition, in cases in which both spouses are entitled to a benefit , the NII may decide on splitting it as well as on the manner of the split between the spouses.

Appointment of benefit recipient

The NII may appoint a person to receive the benefit instead of the entitled person in the following cases: 

  • The person entitled to the benefit or to whom it should be granted is unable to collect the benefit.
  • The granting of the benefit to the entitled person or to another person on his behalf is not for their good. 

The National Insurance Institute shall appoint the person in whose care or custody is the entitled person, or any other person as the benefit recipient - in accordance with the Institute's decision.
The National Insurance Institute shall decide whether to pay him/her the entire benefit or part of it, as the NII deems fit.

The decision regarding the appointment of a benefit recipient who is not a parent or child of the person entitled is made after consultation with the rehabilitation officers authorized by the NII.

Splitting a family benefit

When both spouses are entitled to a benefit, the family benefit will be paid to the spouse who submitted the request on the claim form.

The National Insurance Institute may decide to split the benefit as well as on the manner in which it is split between the two spouses, in the following cases: 

    • The woman wishes to split the benefit between the spouses. 
    • The NII considers that granting the benefit to the benefit to the husband is not in the family's good, and that it is in their good to split the benefit between the spouses. 
    • The NII considers granting the benefit to the husband not in the family's good, and that it is in their good to pay the benefit to the woman only.