New – A new convention was signed with Belgium

On June 1, 2017, a new social security convention between Israel and Belgium entered into force. This convention replaces the previous one signed in 1973.
The convention guarantees continuity and preservation of social security rights to the insured, citizens and residents of both States, who move from one State to the other for purposes of temporary or permanent residency, in the following insurance branches: old-age, survivors, disability, work injury and children.

Rights cover by the convention:

  • The convention applies to both salaried and self-employed workers, and grant them rights to benefits and exemption of redundant payment of insurance contributions.
  • The convention provides an exemption of redundant payment of insurance contributions to Israeli residents working in Belgium, for determined periods of time.
  • Whether you receive an old-age pension in Israel, you will continue to receive it without time limit, as long as you live in Belgium. The pension can be paid on your bank account either in Israel or in Belgium, at your convenience.
  • The new convention allows to cumulate insurance periods between the two States, when a qualifying period entitling to old-age and survivors pensions has not been accrued.

Please note, the convention does not apply to State's Health Insurance Law, and thereby does not entitle any payment exemption of health insurance contributions.

For the form to submit an application to receive an old-age pension from Belgium within the convention's framework, click here.

For the form to submit an application to receive a survivors pension from Israel within the convention's framework, click here.