Transition from receiving other benefits to receiving an old age pension

Recipients of a general disability pension and recipients of an income support benefit will receive the general disability pension or the income support benefit until retirement age. Once they reach retirement age, they will begin to receive the old age pension only.

  • Those who received a general disability pension until retirement age - will receive an old age-pension that is no less than the last monthly disability pension they have received. If the amount of the old-age pension (with increment for a spouse) exceeds that of the disability pension - they will be entitled to an increment of income supplement to the old-age pension.
  • Those who received an income support benefit - will be able to receive it until retirement age only, but may be eligible for an increment of income supplement to the old-age pension.
  • Recipients of an unemployment benefit, both men and women - will receive the unemployment benefit until the retirement age determined for men - 67 years old, and from that age they will be entitled to an old-age pension only.