Registration and reporting at the Employment Service

To be eligible for unemployment benefit you must report in person to Employment Service.

For information about public reception at the bureaus of Employment Service during the war please visit the website of the Employment Service.

The purpose of the Employment Service is to help you find a suitable job. Registering and reporting at the Employment Service are mandatory prerequisites to receive an unemployment benefit.

For all queries related to job search and reporting requirements, please contact the Employment Service.

Registration at Employment Service

You must register at Employment Service immediately after your job has been terminated.

You can register online on the Employment Service internet website. After registering, you need to follow the directives of the Employment Service about the reporting to Employment Service.

Please note that you will be able to register to Employment Service and complete unemployment benefit claims with one online form available on the national identification platform. Submitting this form constitutes also a first registration to the Employment Service.

Entitlement to and payment of unemployment benefit are determined based on the day of first registration at Employment Service, it is therefore important to register immediately upon job's termination in order to avoid any loss of your entitlement to unemployment benefit.

Even when you have willingly resigned from your position (without a valid reason), and are then entitled to receive unemployment benefit only after a period of 90 days since the day of resignation, it is important, nevertheless, to register at Employment Service shortly after job's termination in order to avoid any loss of your entitlement to unemployment benefit.

However, if the unemployed fails to report to Employment Service soon after work cessation, that will not be prejudicial to his entitlement to unemployment benefits if less than 3 months have passed between the day of work cessation and the 1st of the month of first reporting to Employment Service. This is however conditional on accruing your required qualifying period, during the month in which you have stopped working.

Reporting at Employment Service

You must appear for reporting at the Employment Service on days and times that were determined for you.

Every month, the Employment Service transfers to the National Insurance Institute a record of  your attended reporting days during the past month, and the NII then pays unemployment benefit in accordance to this record.

Non reporting to Employment Service

If you fail to report at the scheduled day, you will not be paid unemployment benefits for the days between the previous and the next reporting date.

If you started to work, and for this reason did not report at the scheduled day, you shall notify the job placement coordinator of the Employment Service, in order to obtain payment of unemployment benefits for the days preceding the commencement of your job.

Refusing an offer by Employment Service

Whether you have been offered by the Employment Service a suitable work, professional training, supplementary instruction or retraining, and you have refused to take it - each time you refuse, unemployment benefit payment shall discontinue for 90 days since the day of your refusal, and 30 days shall be deducted from your period of entitlement to unemployment benefit.


In case of sickness on one of your fixed reporting day, on your next appearance for reporting you should bring a sickness certificate by a physician and produce it to the Placement Coordinator at Employment Service. If you are taking part in a professional training program, you must also provide a sickness certificate to the training center in which you are studying.

Unemployment benefit is not paid for the first two days of sickness, unless you have been sick for at least 12 consecutive days - Mention of Shabbatot and holidays in sickness certificate is important.

During the period of unemployment, unemployment benefit may be paid for a maximum of 30 sick days. Those days are deducted from the balance of your period of entitlement.

Reserve service

In case you were unable to report at Employment Service due to reserve service, it is advisable to provide your handling placement coordinator with a prior notice regarding the period of your reserve service.

You will receive unemployment benefit for reporting days at Employment Service and reserve service benefit from the NII for your days of reserve service. The NII benefit rate should be of at least the amount of unemployment benefit to which you would have been entitled, unless performing reserve service.

Mourning days

In case of mourning in your family due to the passing away of a family member, you are entitled to receive an exemption to report at Employment Service for the whole mourning period, and keep receiving unemployment benefit for that period. The mourning period is determined according to religion and family relationship.

Travelling abroad

If during the unemployment period you travelled outside of Israel and did not report to the Employment Service as you are required to, unemployment benefits will not be paid to you for the period you did not report to Employment Service.

Upon your return to Israel, you will be able to continue receiving unemployment benefit according to your reporting to Employment Service, until expiration of your remaining unemployment days from your initial unemployment period.

Appeal against Employment Service's decision

If a decision made by the Employment Service has caused you any prejudice related to work dispatching, you have the right to challenge this decision before the Appeal Committee of the Employment Service - For more information, click here.