Unemployment benefit for people under 20

​One of the conditions of entitlement to unemployment benefits is to have turned 20, without reaching the age of 67.

Unemployment benefit may be obtained before the age of 20 in the following cases:

  • Soldier discharged from regular military service, except those discharged on ground of "unsuitability" because of a severely bad behavior.
  • A person who completed a 24-month national service or national-civil service, or a woman who discontinued her service due to marriage, on condition that she completed at least 6 months of service and got married within 30 days since the day of her service termination.
  • Those who were exempted by IDF from regular service or from who IDF postponed their service based on one of the following grounds: health, family, education, security settlement or national economic market needs.
  • Those who are the only breadwinner of their family (parents, siblings, spouse), or who have a child and assume the main part of his or her livelihood.

A youth from the age of 15, may be entitled to unemployment benefits in certain cases - to learn more, click here.