Entitlement to Long Term Care Calculator (Simulator)

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.
A long-term care benefit is given to people who have reached retirement age and suffer from acute or chronic medical diseases and problems accompanied by symptoms and difficulties that cause impairment in performing daily activities at home (mobility, bathing, dressing, eating, managing secretions and keeping personal hygiene) and therefore need the help of others.
In addition, the benefit is intended for people who need close supervision and monitoring of others due to a medical and functional condition that puts them in immediate mortal danger or in danger of harming themselves or others. The benefit is designed to help the elderly to receive the help it needs depending on the level of difficulty or disability and dependence on the help of others.
This calculator will help you familiarize yourself with the conditions that qualify for a long-term care benefit and check if you are eligible for a long-term care benefit and advantages along with the benefit.Please note that at the end of the calculator you will be able to receive instructions on the medical information and medical documents that must be attached to the claim for the purpose of examining your entitlement to a long-term care benefit.

If you do not receive a long-term care benefit, you can check in the calculator:
  • Estimated eligibility for long-term car benefit according to your medical and functioning condition.
  • The level of eligibility for the long-term care benefit you are entitled to based on your income and marital status.
If you receive a long-term care benefit, you can check in the calculator:
  • Whether a worsening of your medical and functioning condition or change of marital status can modify your level of eligibility
  • Whether a change in your income can result in a modification in the scope of eligibility (full or reduced).
This calculator is for initial evaluation only. Entitlement to a benefit will be determined by the National Insurance only after claim is filed and an examination of compliance with the eligibility conditions, including a dependency assessment on performing daily activities.
Please note that if you receive one of the following allowances: attendance for the disabled, victims of hostile actions, you will have to choose between receiving services through a long-term care benefit or continuing to receive the other allowance.
I receive a long-term care benefit from the National Insurance
In order to be eligible for a long-term care benefit it is necessary to meet the threshold conditions, income test requirements, and undergo a functioning assessment
I wish to check

I have reached retirement age

Date in format date/month/year (dd/MM/yyyy)
I wish to check

The following question relates to your current eligibility for long-term care. Full details of your current eligibility can be found in the response letter sent to you when your long-term care claim was accepted. This letter is also available
My approved level of long-term care eligibility

My approved benefit is reduced due to a high level of income
(as indicated in the letter of eligibility you received)

I live:

Is my stay in a nursing home partially funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs at a share of above 50%? (It is possible to clarify the amount of funding with the local authority)
I live

The spouse I live with is over the age of 90
I am eligible for the benefits of Holocaust survivors