Entitlement to Maternity Allowance Check

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.
This simulator is designed to check eligibility for maternity allowance/adoption allowance for those who worked as salaried employees during the period of time preceding the maternity leave and are one of the following:
  • A new mother who is a salaried or self-employed worker.
  • A woman or a man replacing his spouse, who is entitled to maternity allowance.
  • A father or a mother who received a child up to age 10 in fostering, adopted a child up to age 10 or went through a surrogacy procedure.

Please note, the eligibility for and the rate of maternity allowance will be determined by the claims officer of the National Insurance Institute.

יש לענות על השאלות הבאות, וללחוץ על כפתור "המשך" לשלב הבא.
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