Quarantine benefit to the self-employed who spends a quarantine with his child

​Payment to the self-employed who spends a home quarantine with his child

The National Insurance pays a quarantine benefit to parent working as self-employed, who is required to watch over his child under 16 spending a mandatory home quarantine, or over 16 if this child needs personal assistance due to disabilities.
Worthy information!  A parent watching over his quarantined child, will be paid a full quarantine benefit  even if not vaccinated (the parent).

What needs to be done?

  1. Reporting the quarantine to Health Ministry: the parent needs to report his child's quarantine period to Health Ministry. If the parent is vaccinated or recovering, and thereby not obliged to self-quarantine, the report to Health Ministry about the quarantine period must be file under the child's name. In any event, reporting a quarantine period through a claim form shall be made under the ID number of the child.
  2. Completing a statement by the parent: for quarantine periods that occurred from 1.7.2021 onwards, the self-employed must attach a declaration stating that he spent a home quarantine and watched over his child. To download the statement form, click here.
    Please note that if one parent was in quarantine with the child - sections 1,2,3 of the statement must be filled out. If both parents were in quarantine alternately - sections 1,2,4 of the statement must be filled out.
  3. Submitting a claim for quarantine benefit: the form must be scanned and sent along with the claim form.

Splitting the child's quarantine period between both parents

Vaccinated or recovering parents compelled to stay in home quarantine with their child from 1.7.2021 onwards, can split the quarantine time between them, and receive payment of a quarantine benefit.

In this case, each parent needs to attach a statement along the claim form which includes a list of days on which he or she watched over the child, and the days the other parent watched over the child. A quarantine certificate by Health Ministry must be attached to the statement.
To download a statement form regarding the split of quarantine benefit, click here (sections 1,2,4 must be filled out).