Goals and Guiding Principles

  • Developing infrastructures in public buildings (construction and equipment)designed to enable disabled elderly people to keep living within the community, in their natural environment.
  • Building a continuum of services for the elderly in the community and institutions.
  • Planning for future local and regional needs, in coordination with public offices (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs).
  • Using existing infrastructure to develop services for the frail elderly.
  • Pooling resources for developing projects by coordination with other development bodies.
  • Guaranteeing the continuity of regular operation on the part of the government, local authorities and/or other bodies.
  • Guaranteeing the economic health of the assisted body, both in implementing the project and in continuing operation beyond the period of development.
  • Guaranteeing the economic health of the performing body.
  • Guaranteeing accessibility to the elderly population.

It should be noted that the review of assistance application, meetings and professional discussions held in relation with the project by Fund's workers and representatives, don't constitute as such any approval of the project whatsoever. Likewise, the project shall not be started until written approval from Fund's management has been received. The National Insurance will not recognize expenses related to project execution which have been incurred prior to project's final approval. In any case, none but a signed agreement between the National Insurance and the applicant will constitute a funding commitment, under the conditions of the agreement.