Fields of Assistance

In acknowledgement of the right of persons with disabilities to equal opportunities, the Fund assists in the development of services for integrating such persons in the community, in order to allow every person to realize his/her potential to the fullest. The assistance is provided in rehabilitation, employment, community and institutional living, early childhood services, and leisure time activities.

In 2006 assistance was provided in the field of accessibility only in the framework of higher education, and formal and informal education. During 2007 the Fund will continue to provide assistance for accessibility programs in the areas of higher education, and informal education (community centers, libraries, etc.).

Children and Special Education

Out of awareness of the advantages of early diagnosis and treatment, the Fund considers it important to develop services for young children with special needs, in order to help them realize their potential.
The assistance is given to rehabilitation day care centers, known as units for child development, special education frameworks (preschools, schools), treatment centers, workshops, treatment clubs and learning improvement centers.
The main assistance is in adapting treatment rooms and introducing unique and innovative equipment for the population with special needs.

Occupational Rehabilitation
The integration of the person with disabilities in an occupational framework is one of the most important stages of his life. The preparation for the working world begins in the special education frameworks and continues in the rehabilitation and diagnosis centers, training and placement in a workplace in pre-occupational frameworks, sheltered occupation, rehabilitation transition units, occupational clubs and more.
The main assistance of the Fund is for construction and renovation of buildings and occupational equipment.

Sheltered Housing in the Community
In keeping with the trend of integrating people with disabilities in the community, many different housing projects are being developed for the different communities. The sheltered housing solutions are determined according to the level of the tenant’s independence. The assistance is given for the development of frameworks such as hostels, transition apartments, training apartments and satellite apartments.
All the housing frameworks require escort and supervision of professional manpower employed by the body operating the housing service.
Assistance is provided for equipment and adaptations necessary for operating the framework.

Institutional Services

Alongside the trend of integrating persons with disabilities into the community, there is still a need for institutional frameworks for those who cannot be fully integrated in the community.
Most of the Fund's assistance goes towards improving the physical conditions in institutions, for the benefit of their occupants.

Rehabilitation Equipment
Technological developments and the wide variety of accessories available today to people with disabilities have led to the expansion of our assistance framework. The Fund assists organizations that treat people with disabilities as well as those that lend them special rehabilitation equipment.

Leisure Time Activities
The completion of the rehabilitation process of a person with disabilities is expressed in the realization of his social skills and efficient use of his spare time. Over the past years, special programs and frameworks were developed for this purpose, such as social clubs (integrated or separate), projects for the promotion of disabled sports, etc.

Accessibility Arrangements for People with Disabilities
Accessibility to the person's surroundings is a key to true integration into society and equal opportunities. With this in mind, the Fund began in 1998 to help install accessibility arrangements in public buildings (as defined by law) and in open areas, such as nature sites, parking lots and playgrounds.
This assistance is given in addition to the commitment of organizations to install accessibility arrangements for people with disabilities according to law or regulation, such as the Planning and Construction Law-1970, local municipality- 5648- 1998,Law of Equality for People with Disabilities-1998, Law of Accessibility, etc.