Children with a judgment on maintenance in their favor

A child, Israeli resident, in possession of a judgement for maintenance and who does not receive allowances from the person obligated, may be entitled to receive maintenance allowance from the National Insurance Institution, on condition that the person obligated to maintenance payments was Israeli resident when maintenance judgment was ruled, or during at least 24 out of the 48 months prior to the day of the judgment.

  • child who with neither his mother nor his father – the parent who has custody of the child will be entitled to receive the maintenance allowance set forth in the judgment and due by the other parent.
  • A child who lives neither with his mother nor his father – will be entitled to receive the maintenance allowance set forth in the judgment in his favor alone, and provided that he is not mainly supported by the Treasure or a local authority.

Details regarding allowance rates and ways to submit a claim are available under maintenance allowance section