Attendance allowance beneficiaries

Increase in attendance allowance 

The amount of the assistance allowance increased retroactively as of January 2021, as shown in the table below:

The payment of the allowance for the retroactive period will be automatically transferred to your bank account as follows:

  • Repayments for the months of January through June 2021 were paid to you in grants in March 2021 and June 2021.
  • On 22.12.21, you will receive a one-time repayment in completion of the allowance for the months of July through November 2021.
  • As of the December 2021 allowance, you will receive the new allowance amount (as shown in the last column of the table).

New allowance amount and payment details:

Degree of dependencyRepayment for the months of July to November 2021 (to be paid on 22.12.21)New allowance amount since January 2021
50%500 NIS1,527 NIS
112%1,000 NIS3,534 NIS
188%1,500 NIS5,641 NIS


Supplement for an invalid on a respirator with a dependency level of 188%.

The amount of the supplement for children on a respirator increased retroactively since January 2021. 

The supplement payment for the retroactive period will be automatically transferred to your bank account as follows:

  • Repayments for the months of January through June 2021 were paid to you in grants in March 2021 and June 2021.
  • On 22.12.21, you will receive a one-time repayment in completion of the supplement for the months of July through November 2021.
  • As of the December 2021 allowance, you will receive the new supplement amount (as shown in the third column of the table).

Supplement amount and payment details:

Amount of the increase in the "respirator supplement" as of July 2021Repayment for the months of July to November 2021 (to be paid on 22.12.21)New supplement amount as of December 2021Amount of the allowance with supplement as of December 2021
 6,612 NIS33,060 NIS8,462 NIS14,103 NIS


Additional benefits for assistance allowance beneficiaries:

Supplements for a retroactive period:

Please note that we are currently preparing for the implementation of these supplements and will automatically pay them into the bank account of eligible individuals for the retroactive period.

  • Supplement for a child up to age 3 – From October 2021, an attendance allowance recipient who has a child up to age 3 - will receive a supplement on the allowance for that child in the amount of 954 NIS. The supplement is granted for up to 2 children at most.
  • Supplement for an employer of 2 foreign workers – from July 2021, a recipient of attendance allowance with a dependency level of 188% or more, who actually employs 2 foreign workers, will be entitled, under certain conditions, to a supplement on the allowance in the amount of 5,641 NIS.

Benefits as of January 2022:

  • A new dependency level at the rate of 235% will be introduced for people who are totally dependent on the help of others, outstandingly and at any time of the day.
    Amount of the allowance at the 235% level - 7,168 NIS
  • Lowering of the medical threshold as a condition for receiving an ordinary attendance allowance from 60% to 40% (for recipients of a disability pension).
  • Payment of double benefits from the 31st day: You can receive an attendance allowance and a disability pension from the 31st day (instead of the 91st day).
    This advantage also includes the right to an increment for spouse and children on the disability pension from the 31st day.