How to obtain recognition of hostile action casualty status?

The recognition of an event as a terror attack is established by the certifying authority of the Ministry of Defense, and currently, due to the security situation, many actions are taken to give an immediate response in terms of compensations and support to wounded people and families.

Right after terror attack, officials from the departments of hostile actions and rehabilitation of the National Insurance contact hospitals and hospitalized victims to provide them advices, guidance and direction based on their needs.

There are victims of anxiety or people who suffered mental injuries and did not necessarily seek assistance in medical institutions. It is important for them to know that they may be entitled to cares and grants from the National Insurance, as well as to receive immediate assistance on the emergency hotline that we have opened, i.e. 02-6269999.

To learn more about the conditions of entitlement to recognition of hostile action casualty status and how to submit a claim for recognition, click here.