Benefit rates

Following an amendment to the law, the expression "maternity leave" is changed to "birth and parenthood period".

The rate of the birth and parenthood allowance will be calculated based on the normal wages of intended parents as salaried employees or self-employed workers, in the three months, or in the six months, preceding the first day of the month in which they stopped working in order to receive the child, depending on which is higher.

The daily rate of the birth and parenthood allowance will be calculated based on their total income over three months, divided by 90, or over six months, divided by 180, but no more than the maximum maternity allowance per day.

Salaried employees

If a salaried employee did not receive full pay in the three months preceding the first of the month in which he or she stopped working, the National Insurance Institute will examine the possibility of providing him or her with a salary supplement for these three months or for calculating the salary on the basis of the months preceding the months in which it decreased.

Self-employed workers

The daily rate of the paternity allowance of a self-employed person will be calculated based on his or her income as a self-employed person in the three months preceding the first day of the month in which he or she stopped his work, divided by 90, but not exceeding the maximal daily rate of the birth and parenthood allowance.

At firs birth and parenthood allowance are calculated based on advance payments, then, upon receiving final assessments indicating a change in income, it will be recalculated based on the rate of the assessments.