Rate of the loan

For the purchaser of a special vehicle

For a first vehicle - Either 80% of the value of the purchased vehicle or the determining vehicle without taxes (the lower of the two).

For vehicle replacement - Either the full difference between the vehicle that was sold and the vehicle that was purchased or the determining vehicle -
without taxes (the lower of the two), and not more than 80% of the value of the new vehicle. If the person with limited mobility is obligated to repay a standing loan, the amount he repays will be refunded to him.
The loan is granted with each replacement and becomes a grant five years after the date it was given.

For the purchaser of a private vehicle:

The loan for those entitled to acquire a private vehicle is granted only once,  and only in one of the following cases:

  • Purchasing a first vehicle – loan rate fluctuates between 20%-80%. Part of the loan (20% rate) is reimbursed in monthly instalments and the rest becomes a grant after 5 years.
  • Purchasing a new vehicle that is not the first one – A loan for replacement is granted on the condition that five years have passed since the receipt of the previous standing loan. The loan rate is 20%.
    This loan is reimbursed in monthly instalments and there is no entitlement to a grant.