Conditions of entitlement

A person with limited mobility is entitled to an aid for the purchase of lifting accessories if he meets the following primary criteria:

  1. He is entitled to a mobility allowance on the day of application for a loan to purchase lifting accessories.
  2. The Medical Committee or the Medical Appeals Committee established that he requires and uses a wheelchair.
  3. He is in possession or owns a car suitable for lifting accessories, and purchased the lifting accessories, that are adapted to the car in his possession or ownership.
  4. He is not entitled under any law or other arrangement to receive accessories classified as special accessories or to a grant to purchase accessories and install them in a vehicle, and if entitled, he may chose to receive the loan in the framework of the Mobility Agreement.
  5. He did not receive any lifting accessory or loan to purchase lifting accessories, and if so - five years elapsed since the day he received such accessories or loan. 
  6. He or his guardian or an authorized driver signed an undertaking in which they agreed, among other things, to insure the accessories for their full value (as they were on the day they were installed in the vehicle), and for as long as the person with limited mobility possesses the vehicle.