Entitlement to Survivors Pension Calculator (Simulator)

All fields are required. Calculator's steps and/or optional entries might change according to the values entered.

This calculator  is designed to the survivors  of a person who died, and was insured and insurance contributions were paid on his or her behalf as required by law, or who was exempt from insurance contribution .

The simulator is also intended  to a widower living without a child at the time of death of his spouse, and his claim for survivors pension was denied by the National Insurance  since he had high income and they have now decreased. 
If the deceased had children up to age 24 - the children may be entitled to a survivors' pension. If the children are attending high school - they may receive a living allowance .


One must approach a branch in the following cases:
  • Kibbutz member
  • A person who became a widow/er in a hostile action
  • A person who became a widow/er and taken care in an infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense

Please note,

  • A claim for survivors pension must be submitted not later than 12 months after the day of death and any delay in claim submission may negatively affect your rights.
  • The eligibility for a survivors pension and its amount   will be determined exclusively by a claims officer of the National Insurance.


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