Documents that need to be submitted

Details of the documents that you need to submit are included in the claims form and the attached information sheet.

Any document not included with the claim could delay dealing with your claim.

Please note that you need to include the name and address of your bank and the number of the account to which the pension will be transferred.

If there is no bank close to your place of residence, the pension will be paid at a Post Office or a mobile Post Office (you need to notify the National Insurance Institute to which Post Office the pension should be sent).

You should withdraw the pension at the Post Office no later than the 19th of the month following the month of payment. A pension payment not withdrawn by this date will be added to one of the subsequent payments. A pension not withdrawn for 3 consecutive months will be suspended until clarification.

If you reside in an institution

If you reside in an institution and most of your upkeep is financed by a public body, your pension will be shared, at the request of the public body, between you and the public body.

If you cannot withdraw the pension

If in the opinion of the National Insurance Institute you are unable, because of medical limitations, to withdraw your pension, it will be paid to a person appointed by the NII to receive it (notification of this will be sent to you in advance).

Changing the location of payment

It is possible to request the National Insurance Institute to change the payment location at any time by means of the notification of change of personal details form. You should specify the bank details and partners to the account. You should approach your local NII branch to submit a request to change the payment location.