Psychologic counseling and therapy

​To receive information about the following services, one must contact the rehabilitation worker of a local branch.

Private counseling and treatment

The rehabilitation workers of National Insurance branches (social workers with special training) are contacting the families, and remain at their disposal to provide counseling, guiding and orientation for any issue related to their mental health, social and familial rehabilitation and regarding the realization of their rights and various services.

Psychologic therapy

In addition to counseling provided by rehabilitation workers, the spouse, children, parents and siblings of hostages/missing relatives are entitled to the funding of psychologic treatment, when according to the assessment of a rehabilitation worker, such treatment may help improving their emotional and functioning situation.

Treatment funding is subject to the agreement between the eligible and the rehabilitation worker concerning the problems which need to be addressed, the assessment of the capacity of the treatment to help and the type of treatment required, as well as the specialty of the therapist.