Updates and information in relation to the war

Dear insured residents,

We are living the peak of a hard-fought and painful war, during which the staff of the National Insurance are here for you and working to preserve the social and economic security of the residents.

Hostile actions casualties and their families as well as bereaved families and families of hostages or missing persons - are entitled to money benefits, rehabilitation and various advantages to help and support them in their recovery. We will reach out to you and be by your side in these difficult times.

We have also opened for you an emergency hotline 02-6269999 to be provided an immediate response and assistance about the rights you are due in this time of emergency. The hotline operates from Sunday through Thursday, between 8:00 and 17:00.

On this website, we have gathered all relevant information about your rights, as well as the latest updates regarding the security situation.

We wish us all more peaceful and secure days.

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