Travel expenses (for those ineligible for a medical vehicle)

Fixed monthly travel expenses are paid to the disabled who are ineligible for a medical vehicle, as an aid to their mobility.

Who is eligible for travel expenses?

  • Disabled with legs impairment and a degree of disability of between 19% and 29%
  • Those with back, heart or spine impairments and a 19% degree of disability, who receive a monthly compensation of up to 39%.
  • Disabled people with a degree of disability of between 40% and 49%.

Amount of travel expenses

The amount of the monthly payment is determined according to the degree of disability and the type of injury, and is paid in levels.

Payment amount: 274 NIS – 381 NIS (depending on the level).

How travel expenses can be obtained?

Eligibility for travel expenses is examined after a Medical Board established the percentage of disability and category of impairment, and is paid automatically together with the monthly benefit.