Monthly disability benefit

Disabled people for whom a disability of 20% or more has been established are entitled to a monthly disability benefit, from the date of the start of the disability.

Rate of the monthly benefit

The “determining salary” for calculating the amount of the benefit is 150.6% of the salary of a grade 17 civil servant on the administrative scale NIS 5,624.2 (as of Jul 01, 2024). A disabled person is paid a benefit at a percentage of the determining salary for each percentage of his disability.

Disability Percentage
Amount of the grant
NIS 1,124.84 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 1,687.26 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 2,249.68 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 2,812.1 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 3,374.52 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 3,936.94 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 4,499.36 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 5,061.78 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
NIS 5,624.2 (as of Jul 01, 2024)
​Over 100NIS 7,873.89 (as of Jul 01, 2024)

Benefit increment for those with a special 100% disability (100%+)

A 40% increment to the monthly benefit is paid to hostile-action victims with a special 100% disability of the following types: paraplegia; double amputation (both legs or both arms); total blindness (in both eyes); severe burns (100% or more); those with severe functioning disorders due to nervous system damage; or a leg amputation with additional injuries to both arms.

Benefit increment for those disabled by hostile actions who reach retirement age

A disabled hostile-action victim who reaches retirement age (and who is not receiving a benefit for the indigent disabled or a disability benefit increment for those with a special 100% disability) is entitled to a 10% increment to the monthly benefit that he already receives.

Benefit increment for disabled people age 55 and over 

A benefit increment is paid to those with a 50% or higher degree of disability when they reach the age of 55, and to those with a 40%-49% degree of disability when they reach the age of 57. The amount of the increment is calculated in percentages of the benefit paid to a person with a 100% disability, and is increased according to the person's percentage of disability and age.


Disability percentage

Increment percentage

55 to 57

50% to 100%


57 to 59

40% to 49%



50% to 100%


59 and over

40% to 49%



50% to 100%


Please note, disabled people who receive a benefit for the needy disabled, a benefit for a disabled person with no livelihood or a benefit for medical treatment lasting over 90 days, are not entitled to a benefit increment.